A study from Uswitch has revealed that across the UK, millions of people now use their smartphones for work purposes, with employees aged 8-34 spending on average an hour and 42 minutes a day working from their mobile.
Unsurprisingly, the study suggests an increase in those working from their phones since the start of the pandemic. The research shows that employees rely on their phones for uses including; video calls, attending meetings, answering emails and accessing documents such as spreadsheets.
It is clear that the way we use our mobile phones has changed dramatically and our reliance on them will only grow as the 5G rollout progresses, enabling even more efficient use of handsets for work tasks.
Whatever your business mobile requirements, 2 Circles is here to help with bespoke solutions to suit you. Please get in touch on 03456 200 200 or via info@2circles.com to find out more.
Of those surveyed, 70pc reported that they have at least one work-based app on their phone and nearly a sixth of workers reported an increase in time spent working on their phones since the pandemic.