Since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020, we have become more digitally dependent than ever as major aspects of life have moved online. 

The most prominent change for businesses has been the adaption to full-time remote working, and because of this, our reliance on broadband to keep us connected has been crucial. 

The first UK national lockdown in March 2020 resulted in the UK’s largest broadband surge ever as daytime broadband usage increased by 30% compared to pre lockdown times. Openreach statistics show UK broadband usage more than doubled in 2020, from 22,000 petabytes in 2019 to 50,000 Petabytes, putting this into perspective 1PB is equivalent to one million gigabytes (GB). Online gaming and video streaming continue to consume vast amounts of data, and last year the addition of home working and consequently the significant increase in video calling to stay connected greatly contributed to the surge.

As more businesses work from home, we now rely on employee’s broadband to conduct everyday activities. There are huge variances in broadband speed and quality around the country particularly between towns and cities, and the countryside, this can have a significant impact on your business. We have access to a range of flexible solutions so no matter the location we can keep your company connected at home or in the office. To find out how we can keep your business connected, contact us via 03456 200 200 or