It's time to talk about our ageing copper-based infrastructure and how we need to all start moving to something a little better suited to today's working environment. 

The UK lags behind many other EU countries when it comes to broadband coverage and it is reported that 1 in 5 UK businesses is dissatisfied with their internet.

Are you ready for a faster and more reliable connection to the internet?

The migration away from Copper to Fibre is the answer and it has already started, and is due to ramp up. By March next year, 4 million premises will be connected to a Full-fibre product and we are seeing that Fibre-first is the conversation we're having with customers lucky enough to have it available to them.

Whatever your requirements, we can help you get connected to the very best internet connectivity available to you, enabling you to get that competitive advantage of a faster more reliable internet connection. Please do get in touch via 03456 200 200 or to find out more.