1. SIP call quality is rubbish
This fear probably originates from the very first VoIP solutions that ran over far inferior (and incapable) internet connections. It's true that your call quality is only as good as your internet connection but with so many affordable guaranteed connectivity solutions in place today, this is really a historic problem and not one that applies today. Have you checked whether you are eligible for a Government grant to upgrade your internet connectivity? You could claim up to £3,000 - visit 2circles.com/gigabit-voucher-scheme/ to find out more.
2. I don't want to pay out for a whole new phone system
A common misconception is that you will have to replace your entire phone system and that the outlay of this will offset any potential savings. In many cases this just isn't true; all you need to do is obtain a Gateway that will support SIP protocol, pricing for these are coming down all the time and you can buy them for around £1,000 - a figure quickly offset by the savings associated with moving to SIP.
3. I don't like new technology, I'd prefer to stick with traditional phone lines
SIP Trunking is easier to set up than you might think, as long as your phone system has an Ethernet port then you should be able to connect and configure your phone system with your user manual. With the switch-off of the traditional phone system announced for 2025, all PSTN and ISDN lines will need to be replaced so why not beat the rush and move now?
4. SIP doesn't do anything my existing phone system doesn't do
It probably does. SIP is way more than just making voice calls, it can easily be used for video conferencing and instant messaging - it can also be used for devices such as smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. In fact, the more endpoints you connect your SIP service to, the more value it will give you.
5. It's not as secure as traditional phone systems
Yes it is. No phone system is 100% secure and we see more fraud on traditional phone systems that we do on SIP. As long as you maintain strong passwords and keep all of your software and firmware up to date, your system should remain secure.
6. It's not going to work out any cheaper for me
It is. It absolutely is.
35% of businesses moving to SIP report 35% annual savings. SIP is cheaper to implement and the ongoing rentals are much less expensive than traditional phone lines and channels - the prices of which are only going to rise with the upcoming switch-off of the traditional phone network in 2025 looming.
SIP is completely scalable meaning no wasted lines. It is also a future-proof solution that will react to changes within your business and you can take your number with you anywhere you go.
Disaster recovery is built in so you remove the risk of what losing calls could cost your business.
You can scrap any old PSTN gateways and legacy equipment and streamline your suppliers.
2 Circles provides a complete end to end solution for SIP, to find out more about how we can help you prepare your business for the 2025 switch-off and save you money, please call 03456 200 200 or email info@2circles.com.
45% of UK businesses have already switched to this game-changing new technology and right now is a great time to think about updating your phone system to IP Voice before BT switch off the ISDN Network.