The COVID pandemic has forced many companies to rethink the way they work. Evidence shows that our old way of working may be gone for good.
One of the major shifts has been about our approach to flexible working.
Before the pandemic, only around 5% of the workforce worked mainly from home.
A recent YouGov poll of 4,500 employees, in fact, found that 81% of respondents expected to work from home at least one day a week post-lockdown, with 33% expecting to work from home at least three days a week.
Many companies could see the immediate benefit remote working had on their business. Thanks to that way of working they could carry on almost as normal.
However, we can now see that there are even further benefits in investing in new technologies, such as Future office or Teams, in the long term.
In today’s tough economical landscape, one of the most notable advantages is the opportunity to save money.
Here are below some of the areas flexible working can help your company’s budget:
One of the most obvious costs cut for companies is on travel. Having to replace travelling by virtual meetings many of them were able to make substantial savings. And now that companies and their staff are used to it, this way of working is most likely a trend that will last.
Office space
With the increase in flexible working, companies will need less space to operate and could therefore reduce the size of their premises, or rent out the extra space they have to other companies.
Furthermore, with staff not needing to travel to the office every day, companies could choose to relocate to slightly less accessible but more affordable locations.
Telecoms provider
Remote working implies relying more on your telecoms system to ensure your business runs smoothly. Therefore, choosing the right telecoms provider is even more critical than before and can make a massive difference on your bill at the end of the month.
While selecting your telecoms provider, you should make sure to choose a trusted company that:
- Offers you the solution the most adapted to your needs by assessing them properly.
- Saves time and therefore money by being quick to answer your calls and queries
- Offers competitive prices
The good news is that 2 Circles ticks all the boxes of the point raised above.
With more than 20 years of experience, 2 Circles is used and trusted by hundreds of companies. Check our Trustpilot reviews.
Our experienced and friendly staff act as consultants and will advise you the best solution for your company. They will also ensure you get the most competitive offer. E.g. savings of over 25% against major providers direct tariffs*.
With 2 Circles, you get a dedicated account manager no matter the size of your company. Knowing the ins and outs of your accounts and quick to answer your calls, they will ensure you get a 5-stars service.
To find out more about how 2 Circles can help you benefit from remote working solutions, contact us via 03456 200 200 or
*Based on prices observed 20/07/2020 on O2 Business, Vodafone Business and EE Business websites.
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It’s understandable to feel unsure about making any big investments in the current climate, but there are still many financial benefits when switching to a hybrid model of working that might see you make some big savings.