The odds are that as you read this, an iPhone will be within reach. This book is the story of how Apple have made the single most profitable product in the world which in turn has made Apple the most valuable company of all time.

Rather than a dull corporate biography, this book takes you behind the scenes and shows you where the components that make up iPhones come from - from the mines of South America to the controversially run factories of China to the bars of Paris...

Here are a few things that I learnt whilst reading this book:

  1. Apple has now sold over a BILLION iPhones
  2. Did you know that there is a team of 800 people employed by Apple simply to make their iPhone cameras better on each phone?
  3. Did you know that at different times, Steve Jobs was totally against letting anyone but Apple write apps for the iPhone?
  4. Did you know that the first most profitable app, which made it's developer $500,000 in two weeks was iFart?
  5. Did you know that Apple takes 30% of the revenue of apps sold in its App Store and if this were a standalone business, it would be a  Fortune 100 company in its own right with revenues worldwide of $27.8bn?

Without the App Store, we wouldn't have Uber or Instagram or perhaps Air BnB. 

While there is concern about the amount of time that is spent on phones or general devices (to include tablets and laptops) and many argue that apps are designed specifically to keep our attention, Apple are taking steps to help. New tools are being added to the iPhone to track and control usage of the most time consuming Apps. 

Whether you are an iPhone fan looking for the latest model or have a long affection for Android and good quality well-priced business mobiles, we at 2 Circles Consulting are here to help on O2, Vodafone AND EE - just give us a call on 0131 445 2846.