Postcode Lottery rules may apply for landline broadband but there are still ways you can improve your Broadband without increasing your costs such as harnessing new technologies to reduce call costs and then using those savings to pay for a better business grade broadband connection. You might also be able to take advantage of government funding in your area. For example, if your business is located in Wales, you could be eligible for a grant worth up to £10,000 towards improving your broadband connection.
FSB Communications in association with 2 Circles provides FSB members with complete business communications, helping them to make the most effective use of their telecoms. To find out more about our products and services, or simply for advice on getting better broadband, please call a member of the team on 03453 407017.
Many small firms still struggle to get decent broadband provision. But there are steps you can take which could improve things, says Matt Powell of Broadband Genie For many rural businesses, broadband is not living up to expectations. Attainable speeds fall way short of urban areas. Reliability can be an issue too, as can contention and latency.